The MCP9700DM-PCTL是一个MCP9700 温度to voltage converter PICtail demo电路板, demonstrates how to 接口the MCP9700 to a PICmicro微控制器using the PICkit 1 闪存新手套件as a 平台. A PIC16F676 14 pin, 闪存 based, 8位 CMOS微控制器设备is included with the demo电路板 that can be used with the PICkit 1 闪存 starter kit, along with firmware that提供the 接口to the MCP9700 温度to voltage converter PICtail demo电路板和the voltage to 温度conversion routines. The MCP9700 温度to voltage converter PICtail demo电路板 can also be used as a st和alone模块 to quickly add thermal sensing capablity to any existing application. The PIC16F676 is reading the 温度data from the MCP9700 and显示器ing the 温度on the eight red LEDs on the PICkit 1 闪存 starter kit电路板. The 温度can be显示器ed in degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit. The电路板 defaults to the 温度being显示器ed in Celsius.
- 使用PIC16F676测量及显示温度(摄氏度或华氏度)
- 小型电路板布局
- 标准100mil 14引脚针座用于轻松接口至PICkit 1闪存新手套件或用户应用
消费电子产品, 便携式器材, 电源管理, 业余爱好与教育用, 系统监控