The MCP6SX2DM-PCTLPD is a MCP6SX2 PGA Photodiode PICtail demo board. The demo board features PNZ334 photodiode, MCP6001U op amp, and MCP6S22 and MCP6S92 Programmable Gain Amplifiers. The op amp converts the photodiode's output current to voltage (transimpedance amplifier). Its output goes to one of the PGA's inputs. The other PGA input is available for any other desired source. This opens the possibilities of processing other sensor signals, and of increasing the number of PIC microcontroller I/O pin available for other purposes. This board works with the PICkit 1 flash starter kit and the signal analysis PICtail daughter board. With these additional tools, a complete solution is achieved PC software interface, PICmicro microcontroller, firmware programmability, 10bit ADC (on the microcontroller), and firmware (with relocatable assembler code) for the microcontroller.
- Featured with on board photodiode
- Buffers the transimpedance amplifier's output
- Provides multiple gains
- Provides an additional input
- On board transimpedance amplifier
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