The MCP6S2XEV PGA Evaluation board contains the MCP6S21/91 and MCP6S26 devices. The user can digitally select a specific input channel and set the gain for PGA. The single channel MCP6S21 and six channel MCP6S26 have been selected for this evaluation board. The PIC16F676 microcontroller is used to program the PGAs according to the user inputs. User inputs are selected using the on board DIP switch settings that are configured according to table printed on the evaluation board. This allows the user to program the channel, gain and shutdown of each PGA. Either PGA or both PGAs can be shut down. The six channels of MCP6S26 and PGA gains of 1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 10, 16 and 32 V/V can be configured. The digital lines of PGA are daisy chained. The MCP6S26 has a Serial Out (SO) line that can be used to serially program another device. Therefore, the SO line is connected to the Serial-In (SI) line of the MCP6S21. If the MCP6S26 is removed from the socket, MCP6S21 cannot be programmed.
- MCP6S26 multiplexes 6 analog input signals
- Device gains from 1 to 32 V/V can be configured
- MCP6S21/91 and MCP6S26 are cascaded to allow for gains between 1V/V and 1024V/V
- Reference voltage inputs of 0V, 2.5V and 5.0V are provided
- SMD pads for adding SMD connectors
- Prototyping area for custom circuit development
- Reprogrammable PIC16F676 with ICSP(In-Circuit Serial Programming) interface
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