The MCP4021-502E/SN is a 6-bit Digital Potentiometer can be configured as either a potentiometer or rheostat. The wiper setting is controlled through a simple Up/Down\ (U/D\) serial interface. This device implements Microchip's WiperLock technology, which allows application-specific calibration settings to be secured in the EEPROM without requiring the use of an additional write-protect pin. It is intended to be used in applications where a programmable resistance with moderate bandwidth is desired. The digital potentiometer is available in four nominal resistances (RAB), where the nominal resistance is defined as the resistance between terminal A and terminal B. There are 63 resistors in a string between terminal A and terminal B. The wiper can be set to tap onto any of these 63 resistors thus providing 64 possible settings (including terminal A and terminal B).
64 Taps
power-ON recall of saved wiper setting
WiperLock? technology to secure the wiper setting in non-volatile memory (EEPROM)