The MCP14E10-E/SN is a high-speed power MOSFET Driver with an enable function. It is capable of providing 3A of peak current. The dual inverting and complementary outputs are directly controlled from either TTL or CMOS. This device also features low shoot-through current, near matched rise/fall times and propagation delays, which make them ideal for high switching frequency applications. This device operates from a 4.5 to 18V single power supply and can easily charge and discharge 1800pF of MOSFET gate capacitance. It provides low enough impedance, in both the ON and OFF states, to ensure the MOSFETs intended state will not be affected even by large transients. The additional control of the driver output is allowed by the use of separate enable functions. The ENB_A and ENB_B pins are active-high and are internally pulled up to VDD. The pins may be left floating for standard operation. This device is highly latch-up resistant under any conditions within their power and voltage ratings.
Independent enable function for each driver output
Low shoot-through/cross-conduction current in output stage
High capacitive load drive capability
Short delay times
Low supply current
Logic input will withstand negative swing up to 5V