The dsPIC33EP64MC504 PIM is designed to demonstrate the capabilities of the dsPIC33EP64MC504 Motor Control devices using external Op amps with development boards such as the dsPICDEM? MCLV, MCHV, and MCSM which support 100-pin PIM interfaces.
- Modified Harvard architecture and C compiler optimized instruction set
- 16bit wide data path, 24bit wide instructions and 16x16 integer multiply operations
- 32/16 and 16/16 integer divide operations
- Up to three PWM pairs with independent timing, 7.14ns PWM resolution
- PWM support for inverters, PFC, Lighting, BLDC, PMSM, ACIM, SRM
- Two UART modules (15 Mbps), Two 4-wire SPI modules (15 Mbps), Two I2C modules (up to 1 Mbaud)
- ADC module configurable as 10bit, 1.1Msps with four S&H or 12bit, 500 Ksps with one S&H
- Up to three op-amp/comparators, op-amp direct connection to the ADC module
- 12 general purpose timers, Five 16bit and up to two 32bit timers/counters
- Peripheral trigger generator (PTG) for scheduling complex sequences
嵌入式设计与开发, 工业, 车用, 通信与网络, 电机驱动与控制, 传感与仪器, 音频, 建筑自动化