The MA240014是一个PIC24FJ256GB110 USB plug in模块 用于use with Explorer 16 开发电路板. This USB plug in模块设计ed to demonstrate the 功能 of the PIC24FJ256GB110 using the Explorer 16 开发电路板和the PICtail? Plus daughter电路板s. The PIC24FJ256GB110 is specifically设计ed to be used in conjunction with the USB PICtail Plus daughter电路板 to allow 开发 of USB应用. Because a few pins on此设备 are dedicated to the USB模块, several of the existing features of the Explorer 16 must be rerouted on the PIC24FJ256GB110 PIM. The 外部设备pin select (PPS) feature, available on this设备, allows the existing 外部设备 to be remapped to the new I/O pins. The plug in模块 plugs into the main处理器 socket of the 开发电路板s so that different微控制器s can be used 用于原型,演示 or 开发 quickly和easily.
- 高达16MIPS性能
- Nanowatt电源管理模式
- 在软件控制下可重新编程的自
- JTAG边界扫描和闪存存储程序支持
- 故障保护时钟监视器在时钟出现故障时可安全关机
- CTMU支持电容性触屏 应用
- UART模块由LIN和IrDA支持, 四级深度FIFO
- SPI模块 带八极深度FIFO
- I2C模块带主和从模式
- C编译器优化的指令集
嵌入式设计与开发, 系统监控, 通信与网络