The EQCO30R5.D is a Video Cable Equalizer for 3G/HD/SD-SDI video with speeds up to 2.97Gbps. The EQCO30R5 chip is optimized for SMPTE HD/SDI signals but works equally well with 8B/10B coded signals. The device operates from a single 3.3V power supply. A sister device operates from a single 1.2V power supply which reduces power consumption at the cost of voltage compatibility with competitive parts. For more information on the 1.2V part please contact EqcoLogic. The EQCO30T5 is a cable driver that matches to the EQCO30R5 since it can receive the uplink signal. Implementing the uplink requires very few additional components on both sides of the link and complies with the SMPTE specifications. The EQCO30T5 datasheet is available separately from EqcoLogic. It has a DC restore circuit to recover SMPTE pathological patterns in the data stream. It has a variable gain to compensate for low frequency attenuation through the coax and variations in transmit amplitude.
Compatible with all SMPTE 3G-SDI data-rates
Pin-compatible to Gennum and National Semiconductor parts
Also operates with 8B/10B coding
Low power 220mW@3.3V (80mW with 1.2V supply)
Better robustness due to transmit amplitude independent operation