The DV164121 is a PICkit 2 development programmer/debugger. It is a low cost development tool with an easy to use interface for programming and debugging microchip's flash families of microcontrollers. The full featured Windows programming interface supports baseline (PIC10F, PIC12F5xx, PIC16F5xx), midrange (PIC12F6xx, PIC16F), PIC18F, PIC24, dsPIC30, dsPIC33, and PIC32 families of 8bit, 16bit, and 32bit microcontrollers, and many microchip serial EEPROM products. With microchip's powerful MPLAB Integrated development environment (IDE) the PICkit 2 enables in circuit debugging on most PIC microcontrollers. In circuit debugging runs, halts and single steps the program while the PIC microcontroller is embedded in the application. When halted at a breakpoint, the file registers can be examined and modified.
- PICkit 2 development programmer/debugger
- 44 pin demo board with PIC16F887 midrange PIC microcontroller
- Ease to use windows programming for selected flash based PIC microcontrollers
- A debugging tutorial on using the PICkit 2 as a debugger with the MPLAB IDE
- A series of 12 lessons on assembly programming
- Getting started in C tutorial on developing and debugging in C