DM182016-2 is a MiWi demo kit which is an easy to use evaluation and development platform for 868MHz applications. This kit includes 868MHz MRF89XAM8A transceiver module and also features PIC18F46J50 XLP microcontroller. The kit includes complete hardware needed to rapidly prototype wireless applications. The demonstration kit is pre programmed with MiWi protocol stack. Developers can reprogram or modify the PIC18 MCU flash memory and develop and debug application code all on the same platform. The MiWi demo Kit comes with two hardware nodes (MiWi demo boards) which can be used to create a simple two node MiWi wireless network. More network nodes can be added to expand the network by purchasing additional MiWi demo kits. The MiWi demo kit is pre programmed with a demo program that allows users to setup a MiWi network easily.
MiWi stack support MiWi, MiWi P2P and MiWI Pro
MRF89XAM8A ETSI compliant module with 25AA02E48 EUI node Identity serial EEPROM