The DM164130-3 is a PICkit 28 pin LIN demo board a small and simple demonstration PCB for 28 pin dual inline package PIC microcontroller Units. It is populated with a PIC16F886 MCU, a MCP2021 LIN transceiver with voltage regulator, four LEDs, two push buttons and a potentiometer. The demo board has several test points to access the I/O pins of the MCU and a generous prototyping area. The MCU can be programmed with the PICkit 2 microcontroller Programmer or the MPLAB ICD 2 using the RJ 11 to 6 pin inline adapter. The assembled 28 Pin LIN demo board comes preprogrammed with a demonstration program.
- Board contains generous proto typing area
- Featured with multiple indicator LEDs and push buttons for convenient applications
车用, 工业