The DM164120-3是一个small demo电路板 that comes populated with PIC16F886 28 pin微控制器four LEDs, push button和电位器. The demo电路板 has several test points to access the I/O pins of the MCU和a generous 原型区域. The MCU can be programmed with the PICkit 2微控制器编程器 or the MPLAB ICD 2 using the RJ 11 to 6引脚inline adapter. The 28引脚demo电路板 can be used with virtually any 28引脚dual inline封装(DIP) PIC MCU. The assembled 28引脚demo电路板 comes preprogrammed with a演示 program. To use this program, power the demo电路板 (3.0VDC to5.5VDC) using a PICkit 2 MCU编程器. To use the PICkit 2微控制器编程器, connect it to a PC USB端口 using the USB cable. Start the PICkit 2 MCU编程器 PC application和click on the target power box to apply power to the demo电路板. The demo电路板 will blink the LEDs in the Reset pattern.