The AC164133- DM300027 is a Digital POWER WEB BUNDLE which element14 presents. It contain PICtail Plus daughter board (AC164133) and 16-Bit 28-Pin Starter Board (DM300027) . AC164133is an Buck/Boost converter PICtail Plus daughter board. It provides an easy and economical development platform for dsPIC SMPS and Digital power conversion GS family. Digital signal controllers which are designed to provide low-cost and efficient control for wide range of power supply topologies and power conversion applications. DM300027 is low-cost, 16-bit, 28-pin Starter Development Board supports 28-pin PIC24 microcontrollers or dsPIC Digital Signal Controller (DSC) devices. This board is a ideal prototyping tool to help validate key design requirements using these microcontrollers and DSCs. The PICtail board implements two independent DC-DC synchronous buck converters, a single DC-DC boost converter and an on-board switchable resistive load.
- Two synchronous buck converter power stages , One boost converter power stage
- Full load operation on 3.3V, 5V buck outputs & 20V boost output when loaded individually
- PMBus communication interface connector
- 5R/5W switchable resistive load which is expandable
- Excellent dynamic load performance & output sequencing
- Digital control loop performance of power conversion
- Supported by Mindi power design and simulator tool
- Prototyping tool for all 28-pin, SDIP PIC24, dsPIC30F and dsPIC33F devices
- Single UART communication channel via USB bridge
- Connectors for MPLAB ICD 2 In-circuit Debugger/Programmer and PICkit 2
电源管理, 发光二极管照明, 照明, 消费电子产品, 嵌入式设计与开发