The AC164127-5 is a Graphics LCD Controller PICtail Plus SSD1926 demonstration board for evaluating graphic display solution and graphics library for 16 and 32bit microcontrollers. It is an expansion board compatible with the Explorer 16 development board or one of the PIC32 Starter Boards. The controller board has a connection for the display boards such as the Graphics Display Truly 3.2 240x320 Board. An Explorer 16 development board or one of the PIC32 Starter Kits is required, but only one should be used. An external 9V power supply can be connected through the Explorer 16 or directly to connector, J5. When a PIC32 Starter Kit is used, the setup can be powered via the USB debugger. If your USB is unable to supply enough power, the external power supply should be used. Lastly, a display board, such as the Graphics Display Truly 3.2 240x320 Board, should be connected to the display connector.
- Graphics display controller Solomon Systech SSD1926 supporting STN, CSTN, HR TFT and TFT interface
- SD/MMC Card socket, connected to SSD1926 via 4 wire interface
- 16 Megabit (2Mx8) serial flash memory for additional data storage
- Display connector for interfacing with different display boards
- PICtail Plus Interface for connecting to Explorer 16 Development Board
- PIC32 Starter Kit connector
成像, 视频和目视, 消费电子产品