The AC164101 is an RFPIC transmitter module of 433.92MHz. The RFPIC development kit provides design engineers with an easy way to evaluate unidirectional remote sense and control wireless links based on the RFPIC12F675 and rfRXD0420 devices. The kit is based on the popular PICkit 1 flash starter kit and consists of modular building blocks for different transmitters and receivers that can be utilised for prototype systems or to evaluate Microchip products. The transmitter modules are based on the RFPIC12F675 devices and support the same frequency and modulation formats as the receivers. The transmitter modules feature button inputs for remote control functions as well as analogue input to allow evaluation of the A/D and comparator peripherals on the RFPIC12F675. Code development is achieved with Microchip's MPLAB integrated development environment (IDE). The microcontroller is easily programmed using the PICkit 1 with modules plugging into the PICkit.
RFPIC 433Mhz transmitter
It is a component of the RF PIC development kit (DV164102).
Transmitter modules are based on the RFPIC12F675 devices
Button inputs for remote control functions
Code development is achieved with Microchip's MPLAB integrated development environment (IDE).