USB-USBD-AVRUCB-P-P1-PRODLINE is a uC/USB-Device core on the Atmel AVR2UC3B microcontrollers with product line license. uC/USB-Device is a compact, reliable, high performance stack designed for embedded systems equipped with a USB device controller. A USB device implements one or more USB functions where a function provides one specific capability to the system. The requirements of the USB functions are described in the USB class specification. USB devices must also respond to requests from the host. For example, on power up, or when a device is connected to the host, the host queries the device capabilities during enumeration, using standard requests. uC/USB-Device uses a modular architecture with three software layers between the application and the hardware.
- Delivered with complete 100% ANSI C source code and in depth documentation
- Scalable to contain only required features and?minimize memory footprint
- A kernel is required. Support for any real time kernel available
- Support for Composite device
- Support for CDC ACM, HID, MSC, PDHC and Vendor classes
- Support for Microsoft OS Descriptors
- Simple test applications to play with all USB device classes