NET-FTPX-SERVER-P-P1-PRODLINE is a uC/FTP File Transfer Protocol server module with product line license. It is an add on application layer protocol to uC/TCP-IP. FTP main design goal is to transfer files from one host to another host. FTP utilizes separate control and data connections between client and server applications. FTP can be used either with user based password authentication or with anonymous (generic) user access. The latter allows a client to connect to a server without having an account with that given server. Some network administrators can force an anonymous user to enter an e-mail address that contains the domain as the password. By comparing the FTP connection request IP address and the e-mail domain IP address, it is possible to confirm the validity of the connection request as the two addresses should be in the same network. A secure FTP connection can be established using SSL(Secure Socket Layer).
Delivered with complete 100% ANSI C source code
Scalable to contain only required features and minimize memory footprint
Single connection
Callback function is used to authenticate user
Support any File system, A file system is required