NET-DHCP-CLIENT-P-P1-SINGLE is uC/DHCPc Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol client module with single product license. It is an add on application layer protocol to uC/TCP-IP. uC/DHCPc dynamically assign an IP address to an interface. Upon power up, a device running a DHCP client simply sends a request to any DHCP server to obtain an IP address (and other parameters). The DHCP server(s) maintain a "pool" of available IP addresses and assigns a unique IP address to requesting client(s). The DHCP protocol between clients and servers simplifies the work of the network administrator. The IP address and other network parameters required for the host to operate on the network are not assigned permanently. Instead, DHCP uses a leasing principle. After a predefined time out period, the host must again request for the IP address. The DHCP server refreshes the lease allowing the host to continue using the already assigned address for another time out period.
- Delivered with complete 100% ANSI C source code
- Scalable to contain only required features and minimize memory footprint
- Support dynamic IP address configuration for multiple interfaces
- A kernel is required. Support for any real time kernel available
嵌入式设计与开发, 通信与网络