GUI-VNCX-000000-P-P1-PRODLINE is a uC/GUI VNC server with product line license which can be used for the administration of the embedded target and a variety of other purpose. It support compressed (hextile) encoding. VNC stands for virtual network computing. It is client server system based on a simple display protocol which allows the user to view and control a computing desktop environment from anywhere on the internet and from a wide variety of machine architectures, communicating via TCP/IP. The protocol which connects the server and viewer is simple, open, and platform independent. No state is stored at the viewer. Breaking the viewer's connection to the server and then reconnecting will not result in any loss of data. Because the connection can be remade from somewhere else, you have easy mobility. Using the VNC server, you may control your target from anywhere and you can make screenshots (e. g. for a manual) from a live system.
- VNC server supports pointer event messages and keyboard event messages
- Server supports raw encoding and hextile encoding
- Server currently does not require authentication
嵌入式设计与开发, 航空电子, 医用, 通信与网络, 消费电子产品, 工业, 车用