GUI-FCXX-000000-P-P1-PLATFORM is a font converter tool with platform license. With this tool, any font available on the host system (i. e. Microsoft Windows) can be converted and used. The font converter is a windows program which is easy to use. Simply load an installed windows font which is based on truetype outlines into the program, edit it if you want or have to, and save it. The C file may then be compiled allowing the font to be shown on the display with uC/GUI on demand. The font converter can create an uC/GUI font file from an installed windows font or it can be used to edit the font data of the existing C font file.
- Optimized for small size and high performance
- Supports any 8/16/32bit CPU
- Support 16bit unicode, 8bit ASCII + ISO 8859, 8/16bit shift JIS encoding
- Supports any type of LCD, with any controller (with appropriate driver)
嵌入式设计与开发, 航空电子, 医用, 通信与网络, 消费电子产品, 工业, 车用