GUI-AAXX-000000-P-P1-SINGLE is a antialiasing software package with single product license. It is an optional module for uC/GUI which provides a flexible graphical user interface for any embedded application that requires a graphical display. Anti aliasing is the smoothing of lines and curves. Lines in bitmapped graphics are approximated by a series of square pixels. They can therefore appear jagged, particularly lines that are nearly horizontal or vertical. This jaggedness is called aliasing. Anti aliasing reduces the jagged, stair step appearance of any line that is not exactly horizontal or vertical. uC/GUI supports different anti aliasing qualities, anti aliased fonts and high resolution coordinates.
- Optimized for small size and high performance
- Supports any 8/16/32bit CPU
- Configurable display size
- Virtual display support, the virtual display can be larger than the actual display
嵌入式设计与开发, 航空电子, 医用, 通信与网络, 消费电子产品, 工业, 车用