FSX-DRVR-SDCXXX-P-P1-SINGLE is a compact, reliable file system driver with single product license. This FAT file system is written in ANSI C, and used on an SD card media type, for which the user can provide basic hardware access functions. SD card driver supports a variety of media including SD, SDHC and SDXC cards, as well as MMC cards and e MMC chips. It is a high performance library optimized for speed, versatility, and memory footprint. Designed to cooperate with virtually any type of hardware which support a SD card device. Device driver consists of basic I/O functions to access hardware and a global table, which holds pointers to these functions. Device driver for SD card media type is written with a layered structure so that it can easily be ported to hardware. uC/FS footprint is scalable to contain exact features required for an application. Licensee can embed one or more Micrium software component into an end product. Each end product can be produced in unlimited numbers.
- Delivered with complete 100% ANSI C source code and in depth documentation
- Portable to virtually any platform
- Scalable to contain only required features
- Optional buffered file I/O and volume level caching
- Full FAT support including FAT12/16/32 and long file names (VFAT)
- Device format and partitioning
- Supports multiple languages with unicode encoding
- Thread safe operations on multiple volumes, files and devices
- Can be used with a real time kernel or stand alone
- Device driver structure is simple