BBX-SHEL-000000-P-P1-SINGLE is a uC/Shell stand alone Single Product license Building Block module allowing a string containing a command and its argument to be parsed and executed. Single Product license allows the licensee to embed one or more Micrium software component into an end product. Each end product can be produced in an unlimited number of units. uC/Shell can be used with uC/OS-II, uC/OS-III, uC/TELNETs, uC/FTPs, uC/TFTPs, uC/FS, and more. uC/Shell provides a shell interface for Micrium components, but can be used within many applications as it allows for the additional of any number of commands. Since uC/Shell is not associated with any particular product, modules in need of a shell facility (such as uC/TELNETs) interact with it by means of an application callback function. This way, those modules are able to use or not to use the shell in a totally transparent manner.
- Requires the uC/LIB module
- Customizable command line interface
- Can easily be adapted to practically any UART