The MIC5018YM4 TR is an IttyBitty? high-side MOSFET Driver designed to switch an N-channel enhancement-type MOSFET from a TTL compatible control signal in high or low-side switch applications. An internal charge pump drives the gate output higher than the driver supply voltage and can sustain the gate voltage indefinitely. An internal Zener diode limits the gate-to-source voltage to a safe level for standard N-channel MOSFETs. In high-side configurations, the source voltage of the MOSFET approaches the supply voltage when switched ON. To keep the MOSFET turned ON, the MIC5018 output drives the MOSFET gate voltage higher than the supply voltage. In a typical high-side configuration, the driver is powered from the load supply voltage. Under some conditions, the MIC5018 and MOSFET can switch a load voltage that is slightly higher than the driver supply voltage. In a low-side configuration, the driver can control a MOSFET that switches any voltage up to the rating of the MOSFET.