The MIC4451YM is a CMOS inverting MOSFET Driver capable of 12A (peak) output and can drive the largest MOSFETs with an improved safe operating margin. The MIC4451 accepts any logic input from 2.4V to VS without external speed-up capacitors or resistor networks. Proprietary circuits allow the input to swing negative by as much as 5V without damaging the part. Additional circuits protect against damage from electrostatic discharge. MIC4451 driver can replace three or more discrete components, reducing PCB area requirements, simplifying product design. Modern CMOS construction guarantees freedom from latch-up. The rail-to-rail swing capability of CMOS insures adequate gate voltage to the MOSFET during power up/down sequencing. Since this device is fabricated on a self-aligned process, it has very low crossover current, run cool, use little power and are easy to drive. It is robust, efficient and easy to use.
Latch-up proof - Fully-isolated process is inherently immune to any latch-up
Low supply current 450μA with logic 1 input
Output voltage swing to within 25mV of ground or VS