The MIC2545A-1YM is a programmable current-limit high-side Analog Switch for low-loss DC power switching and other power-management applications, including advanced configuration and power interface (ACPI). It requires few external components to satisfy USB and ACPI requirements. Load current management features include a precision, resistor-programmable output current-limit and a soft-start circuit, which minimizes inrush current when the switch is enabled. Thermal shutdown, along with adjustable current limit, protects the switch and the attached device. The MIC2545A's open-drain flag output is used to indicate current-limiting or thermal shutdown to a local controller.
- Adjustable current-limit up to 3A
- Reverse current flow blocking
- Open-drain fault flag
- Thermal shutdown 2ms (slow) Soft-start turn-on, fast turnoff
- 90μA Typical on-state supply current
- 1μA Typical off-state supply current
电源管理, 计算机和计算机周边, 消费电子产品, 便携式器材