The MIC2506YM is a dual integrated high-side Power Switch that consists of TTL compatible control/enable inputs, a charge pump and protected N-channel MOSFETs. The MIC2506 family can be used instead of separate high-side drivers and MOSFETs in many low-voltage applications. The MIC2506 family controls voltages ranging from 2.7 to 7.5V. A slow turn-on feature prevents high inrush current when switching capacitive loads. The internal control circuitry is powered from the same 2.7 to 7.5V. Within the device's input range, outputs can be forced higher than the input voltage when disabled. Multipurpose open-drain fault flag outputs indicate overcurrent limiting, open-load detection (except MIC2505-1 and -2 versions), thermal shutdown or undervoltage lockout for each channel. Overcurrent limiting is internally fixed and requires no external components. Open-load detection is active when the switch is off. When off, a normal load pulls the output pin low.
110μA Typical on-state supply current
1μA Typical off-state supply current
Output can be forced higher than input (off-state)