The MIC2091-1YM5 TR is a high-side MOSFET Power Switch optimized for general-purpose 50 or 100mA low power distribution in circuits requiring over-current limiting and circuit protection. Typical applications for these parts are for switching power in USB ports, portable consumer items, camera and camcorder motor protection, thermal printer head protection and many other low current-load switching applications. The MIC2091 come in two versions like auto-retry current limit and output latch off on an over current fault.
1.8V to 5.5V Supply voltage
790mR Typical RDSON at 3.3V
Reverse current blocking (OGI)
20ns super fast reaction time to hard short at output
10ms fault flag delay (tD_FAULT/) eliminates false assertions
Auto-retry overcurrent and short-circuit protection (-1 version)
Latch-off on current limit (-2 version)
Thermal shutdown
Fault status flag indicates: over-current, over-temperature or UVLO