The KSZ8463RLI is an ETHERSYNCH? IEEE 1588v2-enabled Ethernet Switch, providing integrated communications and synchronization for a range of Industrial Ethernet applications. It enables distributed, daisy-chained topologies preferred for Industrial Ethernet networks. Conventional centralized (i.e., star-wired) topologies are also supported for dual-homed, fault-tolerant arrangements. It incorporates the IEEE 1588v2 protocol. Sub-microsecond synchronization is available via the use of hardware-based time-stamping and transparent clocks making it the ideal solution for time synchronized Layer 2 communication in critical industrial applications. Extensive general purpose I/O capabilities are available to use with the IEEE 1588v2 PTP to efficiently and accurately interface to locally connected devices. Complementing the industry's most-integrated IEEE 1588v2 device is a precision timing protocol (PTP) v2 software stack that has been pre-qualified with the KSZ84xx product family.