The MX7523JN+ is a CMOS, high performance 8bit multiplying digital to analogue converter (DAC) in 16 pin DIP package. The low power CMOS technology and low cost make it suitable for a wide range of analogue data acquisition and control applications. Thin film resistors assure 8bit resolution with up to 10bit linearity (L grade) over full operating temperature range. In addition, all digital inputs are compatible with CMOS logic level. The MX7523 is electrically and pin compatible with Analog Devices AD7523 device. It is used in audio gain control, automatic test equipment, battery powered instruments, digital calibration systems, digitally controlled filters, motion control systems and programmable power supplies.
- Power supply voltage range from 5V to 16V and power supply current of 100μA
- Operating temperature range from 0°C to 70°C
- 8bit, 9bit and 10bit linearity
- ±1.5% untrimmed gain accuracy
- Monotonic and widely second sourced
- Low feedthrough 1/2LSB at 200KHz
- Low power consumption
- CMOS compatible logic inputs
- PSRR of 0.02%/%VDD at TA = 25°C, VDD = 14V to 15V