The MAX9937AXK+T is an unidirectional, high side, current sense amplifier with reverse battery protection in 5 pin SC-70 package. It is a tiny current sense amplifier designed for unidirectional high side current sense applications. It addresses major areas of concern for various applications including load dump protection up to 40V reverse battery protection and filtering for EMI and transient performance. The MAX9937 also has low input offset voltage of ±1.2mV (maximum) at 25°C with low temperature drift of 1μV/°C. It has 4V to 28V input common mode voltage range that is independent of supply voltage (VCC = 2.7V to 5.5V). The MAX9937 monitors current through current sense resistor by converting sense voltage to a current output (OUT). High side current monitoring with MAX9937 does not interfere with ground path of the load making it useful for variety of battery/ECU monitoring. It is used in battery current sense, fuse box current sense and ECU current monitors.
Supply voltage range from 2.7V to 5.5V
Operating temperature range from -40°C to 125°C
Reverse battery and load dump protection from -20V to +40V
Voltage gain error of ±0.2% at TA = +25°C
Flexible EMI filtering
Maximum output current of 7.5mA
Quiescent supply current of 20μA and input bias current of 2μA at TA = +25°C
3dB large signal bandwidth of 250KHz and 3dB small signal bandwidth of 350KHz
Voltage gain of 20V/V
CMRR of 120dB at TA = +25°C and PSRR of 120dB at VCC = +2.7V to +5.5V