The MAX9922EUB+T is an ultra precision high side current sense amplifier in 10 pin μMAX package. This device has ultra low offset voltage (VOS) of 10μV maximum. The combination of low VOS and high gain accuracy allows precise current measurements even at very small sense voltages. The MAX9922 is capable of both unidirectional and bidirectional operation. For unidirectional operation connect REF to GND and for bidirectional operation connect REF to VDD/2. The 1.9V to 28V current sense input common mode voltage range makes the MAX9922 ideal for current monitoring in applications where high accuracy, large common mode measurement range and minimum full scale VSENSE voltage is critical. This current sense amplifier uses spread spectrum auto-zeroing technique that constantly measures and cancels input offset voltage by eliminating drift over time, temperature and effect of 1/f noise. This in conjunction with indirect current feedback technique achieves less than 10μV offset voltage.
Supply voltage range from 2.85V to 5.5V
Adjustable gain set with two external resistors
Operating temperature range from -40°C to 85°C
Supply current of 700μA at VDD = 3V and 1μA maximum shutdown current
Input bias current of 1pA
Input common mode rejection (CMRR) of 140dB
-3dB small signal bandwidth of 10KHz
Slew rate of 0.4V/μs at CLOAD = 100pF
Power supply rejection ratio (PSRR) of 99dB at 2.85V <= VDD <= 5.5V