The MAX98090BETL+ is an ultra low power stereo audio codec in 40 pin TQFN package. This fully integrated audio codec has high performance, ultra low power consumption and small footprint. It has highly flexible input scheme with six input pins (WLP) that can be configured as analogue or digital microphone inputs, differential or single ended line inputs or as full scale direct differential inputs. The device accepts master clock frequencies of either 256 x fS or from 10MHz to 60MHz. The digital audio interface supports master or slave mode operation, sample rates from 8KHz to 96KHz and standard PCM formats such as I2S, left/right-justified and TDM. The stereo class D speaker amplifier provides efficient amplification, features low radiated emissions, supports filterless operation and can drive both 4ohm and 8ohm loads. The DirectDrive stereo class H headphone amplifier provides a ground referenced output eliminating need for large DC blocking capacitors.
Supply voltage range from 1.08V to 5.5V
Operating temperature range from -40°C to 85°C
3.6mW stereo playback power consumption
102dB DR stereo DAC to HP (8KHz < fS < 96KHz) and 99dB DR stereo ADC (8KHz < fS < 96KHz)
Stereo PDM digital microphone input and I2C control interface with two address option
FlexSound technology signal processing
Stereo low EMI class D speaker amplifiers (3.2W/channel (RL = 4ohm) & 1.8W/channel (RL = 8ohm))
Quiescent supply current of 1.94mA (analogue) and shutdown supply current of 1μA (analogue)
Differential receiver amplifier/stereo line output and extensive click and pop reduction circuitry
RF immune analogue inputs and outputs, programmable microphone bias