The MAX9648AXK+T is a general purpose, low voltage, tiny pack comparator in 5 pin SC-70 package. This comparator is drop-in, pin-for-pin compatible replacements for the LMX331H. The MAX9648 has added benefit of internal hysteresis to provide noise immunity, preventing output oscillations even with slow moving input signals. Advantages of the IC include low supply voltage, small package and low cost. The common mode input range extends from -0.1V below the negative supply to within +0.7V of the positive supply. It requires approximately 60μA per comparator with a 5V supply and 52FA with a 2.7V supply. It offers a wide supply voltage range, wide operating temperature range, competitive CMRR and PSRR, response time characteristics, input offset, low noise, output saturation voltage, input bias current and RF immunity. It is used in mobile communications, notebooks and PDAs, battery powered electronics and general purpose low voltage applications.
- Supply voltage range is 1.8V to 5.5V
- Automotive operating temperature range from -40°C to 125°C
- Input common mode voltage range includes ground
- No phase reversal for overdriven inputs, open drain output
- Low output saturation voltage is 120mV at VDD = +5V
- Internal 2mV hysteresis
电源管理, 便携式器材, 消费电子产品