The MAX792SCSE+ is a microprocessor (μP) and non-volatile memory supervisory circuit in 16 pin NSOIC package. This supervisory circuit provides most of the functions for power supply and watchdog monitoring in systems without battery backup. The device asserts RESET and complementary RESET outputs during power-up, power-down and brownout conditions. The complementary RESET is valid for VCC down to 1V. It provides two stage power fail warning. A separate low line comparator compares VCC to preset threshold of 120mV above the reset threshold. The low line and reset thresholds can be programmed externally. The MAX792S asserts complementary WDO if watchdog input is not toggled within a preset timeout period. Advance warning of impending complementary WDO assertion from watchdog timeout causes hardware shutdown. The device is typically used in computers, controllers, intelligent instruments and critical μP power monitoring applications.
Supply voltage is 2.75V and supply current is 70μA
Operating temperature range from 0°C to 70°C
Reset threshold voltage of 2.91V and reset active timeout period of 200ms
Write protection of CMOS RAM, EEPROM or other memory devices
Active-high, push-pull/active-low, push-pull reset output and manual reset input
Watchdog fault output and pulsed watchdog output
Independent watchdog timer (preset or adjustable)
Voltage monitor for overvoltage warning and onboard gating of chip enable signals
Maximum chip enable gate propagation delay of 10ns
Watchdog timeout period of 1.6sec (SWT connected to VCC, VCC = 5V)