The MAX7405CPA+ is an 8th order, low pass, bessel, switched capacitor filter in 8 pin DIP package. It operates from a single +3V supply. This device draw only 2mA of supply current and allow corner frequencies from 1Hz to 5KHz making it ideal for low power post DAC filtering and anti-aliasing applications. It features a shutdown mode that reduces supply current to 0.2μA. Two clocking options are available on this device such as self clocking (through the use of an external capacitor) or external clocking for tighter corner frequency control. An offset adjust pin allows for adjustment of the DC output level. The MAX7405 Bessel filters provide low overshoot and fast settling. The fixed response simplifies the design task to selecting a clock frequency. This device is used in ADC anti-aliasing, CT2 base stations, Post DAC filtering, speech processing and air-bag electronics.