The MAX6753KA46+T is a low power microprocessor (μP) reset circuit with capacitor adjustable reset and watchdog timeout delay in 8 pin SOT-23 package. This microprocessor (μP) supervisory circuit monitors single/dual system supply voltages from 1.575V to 5V and provides maximum adjustability for reset and watchdog functions. The MAX6753 asserts a reset signal whenever the VCC supply voltage or RESET IN falls below its reset threshold or when manual reset is pulled low. The reset output remains asserted for reset timeout period after VCC and RESET IN rises above the reset threshold. The reset and watchdog delays are adjustable with external capacitors. The MAX6753 contains a window watchdog timer that looks for activity outside an expected window of operation. It is available with active-low, open drain RESET output. It is typically used in intelligent instruments, battery powered computers/controllers and embedded controllers.
- Supply voltage range from 1V to 5.5V at TA = 0°C to +125°C
- Automotive temperature range from -40°C to 125°C
- 3.7μA supply current (VCC <= 2V) reduces system power consumption
- Integrated power supply protection increases robustness
- Power supply transient immunity
- RESET (complementary) valid for VCC >= 1V
- Reset timeout period of 7.59ms (CSRT = 1500pF)
- Fixed VCC threshold of 4.625V
系统监控, 车用, 医用, 便携式器材, 消费电子产品