The MAX5903AAEUT+T is a 72V simple swapper hot swap controller in 6 pin SOT-23 package. It allows circuit card to be safely hot plugged into a live backplane without causing a glitch on power supply rail. This device operates from 9V to 72V and provides simplest hot swap solution by eliminating all external components except external P-channel MOSFET. The MAX5903 limits inrush current to load and provides circuit breaker function for overcurrent protection. During start-up the circuit breaker function is disabled and MAX5903 limits inrush current by gradually turning on external MOSFET. Once the external MOSFET is fully enhanced, the circuit breaker function is enabled and device provides overcurrent protection by monitoring the voltage drop across external MOSFET's on-resistance. It offers latched or autoretry fault management. The device is used in network routers, servers, network switches RAID and base station line cards.
- Circuit breaker threshold of 300mV
- Operating temperature range from -40°C to 85°C
- ON/active-low OFF control input & power good status output (PGOOD)
- Built-in thermal shutdown helps to protect the external MOSFET
- Requires no external sense resistor
- Less than 2mA quiescent current
- Power good output open-drain leakage current of 10μA
- Adjustable undervoltage lockout and power good output with +72V rating
- Restart delay of 150ms and circuit breaker delay of 7μs (CGATE = 10nF)
电源管理, 工业