The MAX5480BEEE+ is a single, parallel, 8bit digital to analogue converter (DAC) in 16 pin QSOP package. This CMOS DAC interfaces directly with most microprocessors. On-chip input latches make the DAC load cycle interface similar to RAM write cycle where active-low CS and active-low WR are the only control inputs required. Linearity of ±1/2LSB is provided over temperature and power consumption is less than 500μW. The MAX5480 can be operated in either voltage output or current output mode. The device is typically used in digitally adjusted power supplies, programmable gain, automatic test equipments, battery powered instruments, VCO frequency control and RF transmit control in portable radios.
5V single supply operation
Operating temperature range from -40°C to 85°C
Supports 8bit parallel interface
VOUT or IOUT operation
100μA low power consumption
Integral nonlinearity (INL) of ±1/2LSB and differential nonlinearity (DNL) of ±1LSB
Gain error of ±1LSB (TA = TMIN to TMAX) and gain temperature coefficient of ±2ppm/°C
Power supply rejection (PSR) of 0.002%FSR/% at TA = +25°C
Supply current of 100μA at TA = +25°C (digital inputs at 0V or VDD)