The MAX534BCEE+ is a low power, 8bit, quad, voltage output digital to analogue converter (DAC) with rail to rail output buffers in 16 pin QSOP package. This serial input DAC operates from single +5V supply. Internal precision buffers swing rail to rail and reference input range includes both ground and positive rail. The serial interface is double buffered. A 12bit input shift register is followed by four 8bit buffer registers and four 8bit DAC registers. The 12bit serial word consists of eight data bits and four control bits (for DAC selection and special programming commands). Both input and DAC registers can be updated independently or simultaneously with single software command. Two additional asynchronous control pins (active-low LDAC and active-low CLR) provide simultaneous updating or clearing of input and DAC registers. The interface is compatible with SPI, QSPI and Microwire. It is used in digital gain and offset adjustments, programmable attenuators and current sources.
Supply voltage range from 4.5V to 5.5V
Operating temperature range from 0°C to 70°C
Ground to VDD reference input range
Ultra low supply current of 0.8mA (operating mode) and 2.5μA (shutdown mode)
Zero code error of ±20mV and full scale error of ±30mV
Integral nonlinearity (INL) of ±2LSB and differential nonlinearity of ±1LSB (monotonic, all codes)
Voltage output slew rate of 0.6V/μs, SCLK clock frequency of 10MHz
Serial data output for daisy chaining
Power-on reset clears serial interface and sets all registers to zero
Software shutdown and software programmable logic output (μC I/O extender)