The MAX530BCWG+ is a +5V, low power, parallel input, voltage output, 12bit digital to analogue converter in 24 pin WSOIC package. It uses single +5V or dual ±5V supplies. This device has an on-chip voltage reference plus an output buffer amplifier. Operating current is only 250μA from a single +5V supply making it ideal for portable and battery powered applications. The 12bit resolution is achieved through laser trimming of the DAC, op-amp and reference. No further adjustments are necessary. Internal gain setting resistors can be used to define a DAC output voltage range of 0V to +2.048V, 0V to +4.096V or ±2.048V. Four-quadrant multiplication is possible without the use of external resistors or op-amps. The parallel logic inputs are double buffered and are compatible with 4bit, 8bit and 16bit microprocessors.
- Supply voltage range is 4.5V to 5.5V
- Operating temperature range from 0°C to 70°C
- Relative accuracy is ±1LSB max over temperature
- Monotonic over temperature
- Power-on reset
- Double buffered parallel logic inputs
- Shutdown mode current is 40μA