The MAX5258EEE+ is a low power, 8bit octal digital to analogue converter (DAC) with rail to rail output buffers in 16 pin QSOP package. This +5V single supply, digital serial input, voltage output DAC is compatible with SPI, QSPI and MICROWIRE interfaces. Internal precision buffers swing rail to rail and reference input range extends from ground to positive supply. A 16bit input shift register is followed by eight 8bit input registers and eight 8bit DAC registers. The 16bit serial word consists of two don't care bits, three address bits, three control bits and eight data bits. The input and DAC registers can both be updated independently or simultaneously with single software command. The asynchronous control input (active-low LDAC) provides simultaneous updating of all eight DAC registers. A buffered digital data output allows daisy chaining of serial devices. The MAX5258 is used in digital gain and offset adjustment, programmable attenuators and current sources.
Supply voltage range is 4.5V to 5.5V
Operating temperature range from -40°C to 85°C
Low power shutdown mode
Integral nonlinearity (INL) of ±0.1LSB and differential nonlinearity (DNL) of ±0.05LSB (monotonic)
Low supply current of 1.4mA and shutdown supply current of 0.45μA
Multiplying bandwidth of 700KHz and wideband amplifier noise of 16μV
Ground to VDD reference input range and serial interface is double buffered
Voltage output slew rate of 0.55V/μs and output settling time of 10μs
±2.5mV zero code error, ±10μV/°C zero code temperature coefficient & 0.02LSB supply rejection
±1mV full scale error, 0.25LSB supply rejection and ±10μV/°C full scale temperature coefficient