The MAX5048BAUT+T is a 7.6A, 12ns MOSFET driver in 6 pin SOT-23 package. This high-speed MOSFET driver is capable of sinking/sourcing 7.6A/1.3A peak currents. Device takes logic input signals and drive a large external MOSFET. It has an inverting and non-inverting input that givesthe user greater flexibility in controlling the MOSFET. It features two separate outputs working in complementary mode, offering flexibility in controlling both turn-on and turn-off switching speeds. It has an internal logic circuitry which prevents shoot-through during output state changes. The logic inputs are protected against voltage spikes up to +14V, regardless of V+ voltage. Propagation delay time is minimized and matched between the inverting and non-inverting inputs. It is used in DC-DC converters and power MOSFET switching.