The MAX4937CTN+ is an octal high voltage transmit/receive (T/R) switch in 56 pin TQFN package. This T/R switch is based on diode bridge topology and amount of current in diode bridges can be programmed through SPIK interface. It has latch clear input to asynchronously turn off all T/R switches and put the device into low power shutdown mode. The MAX4937 includes T/R switch and performs receive operation only. The receive path for the device is low impedance during low voltage receive and high impedance during high voltage transmit which provides protection to receive circuitry. The low voltage receive path is high bandwidth, low noise, low distortion and low jitter. Each T/R switch can be individually programmed on or off allowing this device to also be used as receive path multiplexers. The MAX4937 has clamping diodes to protect the receiver input from voltage spikes due to leakage currents flowing through T/R switches during transmission.
2.7V to 5.5V positive analogue supply voltage and -5.5 to 2.7V negative analogue supply voltage
Operating temperature range from 0°C to 70°C
Integrated T/R switches significantly reduces component count while reducing power
Low power, low impedance (5ohm) with 1.5mA bias current
Low noise of less than 0.5nV/√Hz with 1.5mA bias current
Wide -3dB bandwidth of 65MHz and reverse recovery time of 450ns
Easy programming with SPI interface
High density (8 channels per package)
Global shutdown control (CLR) and low voltage receive path with high voltage protection