The MAX4886ETO+T is a quad, high speed HDMI/DVI 2:1 digital video switch in 42 pin TQFN package. The high speed analogue switch is ideal for HDMI/DVI switching applications, permitting 2:1 or 1:2 switching. The MAX4886 contains four differential pairs of 1:2 or 2:1 switches for RGB and clocking signals. The MAX4886 connects either one monitor to one of two digital video signals or one HDMI/DVI source to one of two loads (sink). The MAX4886 set of differential switches is based on an nFET architecture with internal charge pump for gate overdrive. This advanced architecture results in an extremely low capacitance and on-resistance needed for the excellent return loss requirements for The MAX4886 features 8ohm (typ) on-resistance and 2.5pF on-capacitance switches for routing RGB and CLK video signals.
- Supply voltage range is 3V to 3.6V
- Operating temperature range from -40°C to 85°C
- Low skew is 20ps (typ)
- Low supply current of 600μA
- Ultra high bandwidth is 2.6GHz (typ)
- Ultra low insertion loss of 0.6dB (typ)
- High frequency companion device to MAX4929
- Use MAX4886 and MAX4929 to form a complete HDMI/DVI 2:1 switch
信号处理, 通信与网络, 便携式器材