The MAX4712EUE+ is a fault protected, low voltage, quad SPST analogue switch in 16 pin TSSOP package. It is constructed with two parallel FET's allowing very low on-resistance. Due to the fault protection feature the analogue switch input (NO_ or NC_) and output (COM_) pins are not symmetrical. The fault protection feature allows for analogue input to go beyond the plus or minus supplies without the device drawing excessive amounts of current from the analogue inputs. When the analogue inputs are driven beyond the supply rails when the switch is on, it will sense a fault and turn itself off and the analogue switch output will be clamped to the same polarity supply as the input signal and will not go beyond the supply rails. This feature protects any electronic circuitry connected to the output from excessive voltages present on the analogue inputs. All digital inputs have +0.8V to +2.4V logic thresholds ensuring both TTL and CMOS logic compatibility.
- Supply voltage range is 2.7V to 11V, ±2.7V to ±5.5V
- Operating temperature range from -40°C to 85°C
- Four normally closed switches
- ±12V fault protection with power off and ±7V fault protection with ±5V supplies
- 12V and -7V fault protection with +5V supply
- 12V and -9V fault protection with +3V supply
- All switches off with power off
- Rail to rail signal handling
- Maximum on-resistance is 25ohm at dual supplies
- Maximum on-resistance match between channels is 1ohm at dual supplies
信号处理, 航空电子, 工业, 便携式器材, 通信与网络