The MAX4163ESA+T is a micropower, rail to rail I/O operational amplifier (op-amp) in 8 pin NSOIC package. This dual operational amplifier combines an exceptional bandwidth to power consumption ratio with true rail to rail inputs and outputs. It consume 25μA quiescent current per amplifier, yet achieve 200kHz gain-bandwidth product and is unity-gain stable while driving any capacitive load. It operates with an input common-mode voltage range that extends 250mV beyond either supply rail. This amplifier uses a proprietary architecture to achieve a very high input common mode rejection ratio without the midswing nonlinearities present in other rail to rail op-amp. This architecture also maintains high open-loop gain and output swing while driving substantial loads. The combination of excellent bandwidth/power performance and miniature footprint makes this op-amp ideal for low-power, single-supply applications.
Supply voltage range is ±1.25V to ±5V, 2.5V to 10V
Operating temperature range from -40°C to 85°C
Typical input bias current is 1.0pA
Maximum input offset voltage is ±4mV at TA = +25°C
Excellent CMRR, PSRR and gain linearity
No phase reversal for overdriven inputs
Phase margin is 60° and gain margin is 12dB
Slew rate is 115V/ms, typical value of CMRR is 100dB & PSRR is 110dB