The MAX325ESA+ is a precision, single supply, dual SPST analogue switch in 8 pin NSOIC package. This analogue switch operates in single supply and consumes low power of 5μW making IC ideal for battery powered equipment. IT is TTL compatible when powered from a single +5V supply. When powered from other supply voltages, TTL compatibility is not provided and the logic inputs should be driven from rail to rail. This device is used in battery operated systems, heads-up displays, audio and video switching, test equipment, guidance and control systems, military radios, communications systems, sample and hold circuits.
- Supply voltage range is 2.7V to 16V
- Operating temperature range from -40°C to 85°C
- Low on-resistance of 60 ohm (max) and 33ohm (typ) at 5V operation
- Two normally open (NO) switches, channel on-resistance is 175ohm (single +3.3V supply)
- RON matching between channels is < 2ohm (single +5V supply)
- Maximum RON flatness is < 6ohm (single +5V supply)
- Charge injection is < 5pC
- Low leakage current over temperature is < 2.5nA at +85°C
- Fast switching of tON < 150ns and tOFF < 100ns
- Break before make switching
信号处理, 便携式器材