The MAX294CPA+ is an 8th order, low pass, elliptic switched capacitor filter in 8 pin DIP package. This easy to use switched capacitor filter can be set up with corner frequencies from 0.1Hz to 25KHz. The 1.2 transition ratio of MAX294 provides steepest roll-off and -58dB of stopband rejection. This filter has fixed responses, so the design task is limited to selecting clock frequency that controls the filter's corner frequency. An external capacitor is used to generate clock using internal oscillator or an external clock signal can be used. Steep roll-off and high order make this filter ideal for anti aliasing applications that require maximum bandwidth and for communication applications that require filtering signals in close proximity within the frequency domain. The MAX294 is used in DAC post filtering, data acquisition systems and voice/data signal filtering applications.
Supply voltage range from 2.375V to 5.5V
Operating temperature range from 0°C to 70°C
Internal or external clock
Clock to corner frequency ratio of 100:1
Operate with single +5V supply or dual ±5V supplies
Uncommitted op-amp for anti aliasing or clock noise filtering
Clock to corner frequency tempco is 7ppm/°C and passband ripple of 0.27dB
Insertion gain relative to DC gain is -0.11dB at fIN = 0.425Fo
Internal oscillator frequency is 35KHz at Cosc = 1000PF
Output offset voltage of ±150mV and supply current of 15mA (V+ = 5V, V- = -5V, Vclk = 0 to 5V)