The MAX293EWE+ is an 8th order, low pass, elliptic switched capacitor filter in 16 pin WSOIC package. This filter set up with corner-frequencies ranging from 0.1Hz to 25KHz. It provides -80dB stopband rejection and a sharp roll-off with a transition ratio of 1.5. The fixed response of this device simplifies the design task to corner-frequency selection by setting a clock frequency. An external capacitor is used to generate a clock using the internal oscillator or an external clock signal can be used. An uncommitted op-amp (non-inverting input grounded) is provided for building a continuous-time low pass filter for post-filtering or anti-aliasing. Steep roll-off and high order make this filter ideal for anti-aliasing applications that require maximum bandwidth and for communication applications that require filtering signals in close proximity within the frequency domain.
Operate with a single +5V supply or dual ±5V supplies
Operating temperature range from -40°C to 85°C
Clock to corner frequency ratio is 100:1
Supply current is 15mA at dual ±5V supply and 7mA at single 5V supply